Welcome to PiAlert!

PiAlert is a 3rd year project by Panitan Sripoom, Piotr Kimmel and Adam Maher.

It is home security device that runs on a Raspberry Pi board and uses a PIR module aswell as a Pi Camera to record video once motion is detected.

When PiAlert is first powered on an led on top of it will turn on. Then you will need to type in a simple command to run the program.

Afterwards the led will flash 5 times, this lets you know that you now can write in your username, press enter and then write in your password.

Make sure you've already registered!(It's fine if you haven't just press here or go to the nav bar to do it)

Once the video is recored it is then encrypted and stored online using MongoDB from where this website is able to get it's data.

Once motion is detected the led will flash once to let you know it's actually working, then it will record a short 3 second clip.

You're probably wondering as to why only 3 seconds. Well the answer to that is because we couldn't handle longer videos and we needed to save space in our database as we were using the free version.

The video is originally stored in a .h264 so we then convert it to a mp4 file, then encrypt it as a string and fire it into our database.

Once that's complete a notification is sent to the user that's logged via email and whatsapp, the email even includes the video as an attachement.